Most companies find out way too late that they have been breached. Even with millions of dollars invested in security, over-worked admins and ignored alerts do little to help.
Thinkst Canary can be deployed in under 3 minutes (even on complex networks) and is a clear, high quality marker of compromise. Know. When it Matters.
Discover Thinkst Canary

Network breaches happen. From mega-corps, to governments. From unsuspecting grandmas to well known security pros. This is excusable. What isn't excusable, is only finding out about it, months or years later.
Canarytokens are a free, quick, painless way to help defenders discover they've been breached by having attackers announce themselves.
Try CanarytokensOpenCanary is a daemon that runs canary services, which trigger alerts when used.
The alerts can be sent to a variety of sources, including Syslog, emails and a companion daemon OpenCanary-correlator.
Open Canary is maintained by Thinkst Canary.
Get OpenCanary

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